Young people's education on future defining themes by active-, inquiry-, problem- and community based learning.
The vision on learning underlying the OPEDUCA-concept proposes to build on students’ active presence, learning inquiry-, problem- as well as community-based, enabled to learn anytime, anyplace, with anybody and through any device on future defining themes (Eussen, 2008). Below we introduce the initial, actually basic, questions we sought to answer, a process leading to 4 broadly shared basic principles of OPEDUCA-based education.
Research and testing of the concept in daily practice answered to the lack of empirical research on Transformative Learning thus far. In the course of ongoing concept development informed by daily practice, a 'Learning- and Education Continuum' was proposed, following the integrated logic of the OPEDUCA Concept.
Presently, we see our thoughts being shared, for example regarding the transformation of the 'lesson' into common inquiry and the adaption of student‐driven learning over teacher‐delivered content. Alike, the recognition for Problem‐ and Project‐based activities that require collaboration find ever more support (UNESCO, Futures of Education 2021). Still, the OPEDUCA Concept thus far remains unique as it comprises more learning theories and applied pedagogy in an integrated and consistent way, leading to ESD-based Education.
Each OPEDUCA-instrument first sees to a mental activation of the student, to be understood as an ‘awakening’ for development in an involved way. Considering an active state of mind important for effective learning is obviously a shared notion, yet interpretations differ.
Read more at 'The Learning and Education Continuum'
In OPEDUCA Inquiry Based Learning should be understood as the ongoing question- and research driven learning process of students. A process starting out from their identification and basic study of future defining themes (i.e. beginning with the composition and state of our Earth, its life-giving capacity and that life's wellbeing).
The Inquiry Based Learning process continuously intertwines with the aspects of' real life learning' and 'community-based learning' as students for a larger part and eventually most of their time study each theme in its entirety - taking in facts, practice and experience beyond schools and textbooks.
We see underlying concepts and smaller-scale activities in the realm of pedagogies such as Problem Based Learning, Cooperative Learning and Project Based Learning, as stepping stones towards full-fledged Inquiry-Based Learning.
Inquiry-Based Learning in OPEDUCA is incorporated to its full extent in the 'Flight for Knowledge' instrument.
Read more at 'The Learning and Education Continuum'
In our view the art of Problem Based Learning lies in the application of involved guidance, not teaching or lecturing. Every OPEDUCA-instrument has aspects of Problem Based Learning as a pedagogy, however ‘Problem-based’ here primarily refers to the authenticity and relevance of themes and elements studied. It stems from the 'Dimensions of (Education for) Sustainable Development' that provide meaning and direction.
Read more at 'The Learning and Education Continuum'
In OPEDUCA students' learning process is per definition embedded in their region and the communities they are part of. They explore, inquiry and draw on sources within their reach in their own habitat. A learning process going beyond societal projects in the realm of care-taking or alike: Community Based Learning in OPEDUCA is about seeking and using all possible sources of knowledge and experience society offers. Thereto pupils and students actively participate in the community, their activities however driven by their learning and based on intrinsic motivation.
Read more at 'The Learning and Education Continuum'
We have to Learn to Think
Staring out from practice while continuing the questioning, the aspects briefly presented above were implemented in daily practice of regular education on the fly, choosing application over too long consideration. Doing so, a series of other concepts/ideas with '-learning' as an additive (held by teachers, school leaders and academia), gradually merged into a 'Learning- and Education Continuum' (J. Eussen, 2021), following the integrated logic of the OPEDUCA-concept. Also what appears to be understood as '21st Century Skills', 'ESD Competencies', 'Deep Learning' and other contemporary notions presented as priorities, innovations or even solutions (which we critically question) are found to be integrated in the baseline of OPEDUCA. Theories dominating the realm of sustainable development, such as 'Systems' Thinking', 'Social Learning' and a 'Whole School Approach', are partly observed but in our view represent weaker, if not contra-productive, notions of ESD.